
Over two years, I managed Stephen at a time in which our company was growing aggressively and Stephen stepped into the role as our first-ever content marketer. His strong writing experience, independence, and ability to learn about a deeply complex market made him an excellent team member, allowing our company to more than triple the content produced in his first year at the firm.

One of Stephen’s best assets is his ability to work with and mentor junior talent, providing them with guidance that allows them to build experience, produce great work, and learn essential business skills. He is someone who comes to work every day with outstanding values and brings humor, laughter, and kindness into the workplace.

Taylor Mortti, VP of Demand Generation at A-LIGN

One of [Stephen’s] best managerial qualities is his compassion and empathy for anyone he works with. He understands where his team members strengths are and helps them develop in areas they might be weaker. I quickly became more confident in the work I was producing and in myself in general because of this and have gained so many invaluable lessons that I can take with me to any company or career path. You always read that a good manager leads, but also helps to develop his or her direct reports, and takes constructive criticism or employee needs seriously. Stephen really emulates what it means to be a good manager, colleague and mentor and would be an invaluable asset to any company he works for.

Chrissy Ford, Creative Marketing Designer at A-LIGN

His colleagues love him, his clients adore him and better than just being an amazing team player, he delivers effective work that drives quantifiable results. I couldn’t have been happier to hire Stephen and knew it was only a matter of time that someone would steal him away. I’m excited to watch his career flourish as he deserves every opportunity that presents itself to him.

Adrienne Denaro, Kobie Marketing

In our case we look for the 7 Non Negotiable traits of Belief, Loyalty, Respect, Commitment, Trust, Courage and Gratitude. From all indications, Stephen possesses these attributes in spades.  In our case we look for the 7 Non Negotiable traits of Belief, Loyalty, Respect, Commitment, Trust, Courage and Gratitude. From all indications, Stephen possesses these attributes in spades. (Forbes.com)

David K. Williams, Forbes.com

We brought Stephen on the team as Content Manager, although early on that role would rely on his writing skills the goal was to build out the marketing team with Stephen eventually becoming the central point for all content development at the organization – which would include managing inside and outside resources to further accelerate the volume and quality of content. Within days, and with little knowledge of the industry, Stephen was producing content and the results showed.

Mark Sokol, A-LIGN